

在社會心理學中,人們也把行為舉措產生的結果與預期目標完全相反的現象稱為「迴旋鏢效應」(Boomerang effect)。 分析認為,人民幣貶值將使中國商品在出口市 ...

BOOMERANG EFFECT ——劍橋英語同義詞詞典,包括同義詞和例句

同義詞詞典:英語中boomerang effect的同義詞和反義詞. boomerang effect. noun. 這些都是與boomerang effect 相關的單字和片語。任意點選單字和片語去往同義詞詞典頁面 ...

Boomerang effect (psychology)

The boomerang effect is a situation where people tend to pick the opposite of what something or someone is saying or doing because of how it is presented to ... Conditions and explanations · Examples of applications · Current Examples


當接收到糾正、釐清的資訊時,反而引起閱聽人反彈,強化對原先錯誤消息的信任度,此現象稱為「迴力鏢效應」。 在眾多假消息的主題中,本研究針對健康類假消息,因為此種假消息會 ...

The Boomerang Effect: 9780062399397: Jack, Gordon

評分 4.7 (50) 書籍詳細內容 · 列印長度. 352 頁 · 語言. English · 出版者. HarperTeen · 出版日期. · 等級層級. 9 - 12 · 閱讀年齡. 14 歲以上 · 尺寸. 2.29 x 13.21 x 20.07 cm.

博客來-The Boomerang Effect

書名:The Boomerang Effect: How You Can Take Charge of Your Life,語言:英文,ISBN:9781938908385,頁數:126,作者:Bird, Nicola, Phd,出版日期:2013/04/01, ...

The Boomerang Effect

書名:The Boomerang Effect,語言:英文,ISBN:9780062399403,頁數:368,作者:Jack, Gordon,出版日期:2018/10/16,類別:青少年閱讀(13-18歲)



The Boomerang Effect in Digital Marketing

The boomerang effect refers to when an attempt to persuade or influence someone to change their beliefs, attitudes, or behaviours has the opposite effect.

Boomerang effect

A strong counter-reaction when there is a deliberate attempt to change an attitude (resulting in a strengthening or adoption of the attitude that the ...


在社會心理學中,人們也把行為舉措產生的結果與預期目標完全相反的現象稱為「迴旋鏢效應」(Boomerangeffect)。分析認為,人民幣貶值將使中國商品在出口市 ...,同義詞詞典:英語中boomerangeffect的同義詞和反義詞.boomerangeffect.noun.這些都是與boomerangeffect相關的單字和片語。任意點選單字和片語去往同義詞詞典頁面 ...,Theboomerangeffectisasituationwherepeopletendtopicktheoppositeofwhatsomethingorsomeoneissayin...